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*ONLY OFFERED at our 10:30 am SERVICE*

Interested in volunteering?



Volunteering for Kingdom Kids is a Delight!

Besides the joy that children bring, we strive to make Kingdom Kids fun. This doesn't mean we're not serious about what we do--we're VERY serious. But serious doesn't always mean somber.

We want volunteering to be a joy. Each week, at least 15 people donate their time to serve in Kingdom Kids--15 people who don't have to be there, 15 people who could be doing something else. The least we can do is strive to make serving a delight:)

So, we ask for only a once-a-month commitment plus one fifth Sunday a year. We provide equipping and encouragement. We make teaching easier by providing teaching plans and materials. AND, we provide bubbles. Yes, bubbles! It's amazing how bubbles brighten faces!

We would love for YOU to join the FUN! Will you give ONE Sunday morning a month and ONE 5th Sunday a year? 

Here are our ongoing volunteer needs:

--Setup and Restore Crew: Since we share facilities with Trinity School, we setup and restore the rooms each week. Setup takes on average 45 minutes and restoring takes around thirty.

--Administration Crew: We have a secure check-in/check-out process that includes 2 manned kiosks. If you have minimal computer skills and love to welcome people, this is a job for you! Requires around 45 minutes a week.

--Runners: Currently we have "runners" who receive children from parents and take them to their classrooms, and then do the reverse after Kingdom Kids. Time required is around 1 hour.

--Lead Teachers and Assistant Teachers: These volunteers welcome the children into the classroom, demonstrate to them Christ's love, and teach them lifechanging truths from God's Word. Time commitment is almost 2 hours on Sunday and any preparation time during the week.   

--Substitute Teachers: Are you flexible and willing to serve with short-notice? This is a great spot for you. See above for position description.

If interested or have questions, reach out to Jon Hix


You can check out our volunteer video here.


If you would like to submit an application to volunteer, click here.


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